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Remember Me
UED Clan Heroes
UED_Duran is the founding father of the United Earth Directorate. Duran found the clan some time in the late '99 with Cobra. Since that time Duran has progressed the clan by redeveloping much of the government and the entire infrastructure system of the clan. Duran has also worked on the past and present clan web site scripts and still continues to architect new ideas for our site. Senator Duran has been the helping hand, the shield at war, the savior on the fall, the leader we all know. Senator Duran is without a doubt forever within our halls of heroes as a eternal chair-man-senator.

Status: Still Serving

UED_Angel even though Angel has had quite a history with the clan, Angel has proven to be a loyal and trustworthy member. Even though never part taking much participation in the clan, Angel was and is considered still a loyal member that has been with the clan through out it's beginning and up to its shrivel moment.

Status: No Longer Serving (MIA)
UED_Helios a.k.a UED_Korhal a.k.a UED_Soldier (Sons_of_Korhal)
has been an elite friend and a member of the clan from it's birth-days and up to it's shrivel moments. Even though Helios has many times quit and rejoined the clan, during his membership in the clan has had much of a great impact on the clan system and it's community. Helios is remembered through his love from the clan's members and his respect that he has reserved here in UED. Helios was once a Senator and has reached that position more then once. Helios will forever resign within the halls of heroes.

Status: No Longer Serving (Retired)
UED_SkyLineGTR was recruited in the early September of 2003 during a descending period for the clan. Simon quickly found his way to recruiting power and started recruiting members for the clan that was slowing diminishing in activity. After showing great performance as a recruiter, Simon was shortly promoted by Duran to Senator rank. From this point Simon started his reign over the clan as one of the most helpful and respected Senators by all. Simon has proved to be a eternal name in the hall of heroes for his dedication and needed-help during a time of need.

Status: No Longer Serving (Retired)
UED_Sorceress (a.k.a Emily) was recruited in February 2004 in a striving period of the clan. Even though Sorceress had a bumpy beginning in the UED she quickly progressed and gained popularity in the clan. As time unraveled and Sorceress proved to be resourceful to the clan in all areas and fields sorceress climbed the ranking ladder with respect and favor from the Senator and Officers. As a time came where the UED grew in large numbers and the clan needed more Senator's to operate and control the member numbers, Senator SkyLineGTR begin discussions with Senator Duran about promoting Sorceress into the Senator Ranks. However, it was not until SkyLineGTR became inactive in UED when Sorceress was given the opportunity to become a Senator. On October 24th 2004 just 8 months after Sorceress joined UED she was inducted and promoted to the Senatorial Ranks of the UED. From there on Senator Sorceress continued to provide exceptional assistance and leadership to the UED and became a collegue, a friend, a leader and a idol to the UED community. Her popularity, respect and honorship was known in all of the UED as well as the Battle.net community. After serving the UED for over a year Senator Sorceress left on a vacation from which she never returned. Many months after Sorceress' disappearance, Senator Sorceress retired from the United Earth Directorate as a Commanding Senator and a highly respected and loved member. Senator UED_Sorceress was introduced into the UED Heros by Senator UED_Duran for her hard work, amazing leadership, loyal membership and mostly for being irreplaceable to the UED. United Earth Directorate members and leaders who have served with Sorceress through out her time in UED will always remember the time and dedication Sorceress comitted to the UED.

Status: No Longer Serving (Retired)
UED_DieAnthrDay is the master-mind behind the curtains, even though never present on battle.net, DieAnthrDay was the original coder for our clan web site that helped create the very first scripts our clan uses. Even though DieAnthrDay has not worked on our web site ever since, he still part-takes in the development of our new and latest scripts. DieAnthrDay will be impended within our halls of heroes forever because of his hard work to our clan's web site.

Status: Consultant (Never Served)
UED_Gaurdian is not well known by the past nor present members of clan, however during a very messy period in which the clan was going through some rough times due to lacking activity of the Senators, Guardian contact Senator Duran and requested Temporary Senator power, through this power Guardian proved to be a loyal member and attempted to reconstruct the falling clan.

Status: No Longer Serving
UED_Cobra there is no actual, left living proof that Cobra ever existed, there has been no documentation of this man, nor any memory of this man. However, there are some people that remember him and who he was: a man that started the United Earth Directorate with Senator Duran. Cobra was the first ever Co-leader of the UED Clan, and to respectively remember his memory and his courage to start this clan with Duran we forever place him as our Hero.

Status: No Longer Serving (MIA & Unknown)
UED_Hitman a.k.a UED_Daemien became a friend of Duran's as a Leader of an elder clan, shortly Hitman disbanded his clan and came to be a part of UED to help and assist Duran in running his new-born clan. After some time Hitman became a member and rose to be a UED General. Hitman eventually retired and disappeared from battle.net, Hitman is still seen on-and-off time and respected for his history with us.

Status: No Longer Serving (Retired)
UED_Twisted has been in UED since 2004, and like most long-serving UED members he has seen this clan rise and fall like it's been known to, hence the nickname it has earned a decade ago: "The Roller Coaster Clan."
When recruiting, it's with the hopes that we'll find, out of the hundreds, a select few that will have the same love and compassion for this clan as we have for it. In the UED's last dying breathes, Twisted reached out and tried to recruit one last time. He found a select few who shared the same love for this clan. In 2011, the UED had sponsorship, a top level team on ICCUP with A- players and hundreds of new members on a satellite web site dedicated to continuing the league.
Twisted's luck and conviction on Brood War inspired the SC2 players to step it up once again. By 2011, the UED had a solid Starcraft 2 semi-pro team competing in various tournaments such as MLG, sponsored show-matches between top level players, and finally a well established clan that we can call home for e-sports again.
Thanks Twisted, affectionately UED_SooWoop.

Status: No Longer Serving (Retired)
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