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Becoming a member of the United Earth Directorate gaming community requires team work, talent, participation, dedication, loyalty and respective self-representation. Our clan is looking for the best people available that show skills in the games they play and respectable participation and dedication to the clans they join. We ask of the member to perform his/her best and we expect them to give there 100% when they can, if they can. We don’t seek out the pros and experts of the gaming world, but we do expect all our members who need improvement to train with our community and designated trainers available for our community. Dedication, loyalty, participation and honor are key values in this clan that we honor, treasure and value as the corner stone morals that make us our members to be the greatest team online.

To become a member of our team, it is a good idea to get familiarized with out clan, community, rules and all other aspects. If you believe that this particular clan is the right clan for you, then your next step should be to find a recruiter online. If you would like to choose a specific recruiter, find a member with the rank within the Ranking Division of “Command, Officer and Warrant Officer”. Any one of those ranking members is available to test you. If you want to know the specific ranks in those divisions please refer to our Ranking page. Once you’ve located your recruiter he/she will test you on your basic skills on a specific game, please bare in mind that you are not tested weather you are victorious or not. You are tested on several aspects and one of them being (as we mentioned before) is team work. After the game the Recruiter will tell you weather you where successfully or not. If you have achieved a good score in his eyes, the recruiter will ask you to hold while he adds you to our gaming community web site. Once the recruiter has added you to our gaming site you are automatically a “Recruit” of the United Earth Directorate. Your main goals as you pass through the Members Trial are: to be active, get to know the clan (mingle) and to receive positive votes. All those points are very important to pass the trial because they all depend on your success at the member’s trial. Without proper daily active logins to the web site, active game play and activity online and well-established familiarization with the clan you might fail the trial. Please be patient during your trial, we want to make sure that you a quality member who is dedicated to join our clan.

We wish you the best of luck through out your recruitment session and trial and we hope you make it! We look forward to meeting you and answering any other questions you may have about our clan. We appreciate that you are considering becoming a member of our team and we hope that you can become a great asset to our clan as we hope to become a great experience for you!

Clan United Earth Directorate Gaming Community.

Member Testimonials

I have not been in many clans, in fact, UED is only 2nd gaming clan I've ever been to, but I have interacted with many clans, and I can see that UED is no regular one. The thing that amazes me the most about UED is it's ability to survive and go on in the darkest of the circumstanced, which in big part is thanks to powerful and agile leaders it has/had. We have a great community going here, I am proud and thankful to be a part of it.
-={-Tovarish Gruzin Out-}=-
I am proud to be part of this clan. I’ve met so many nice people, and made so many new friends. I hope to become a better player of StarCraft and other Blizzard games. I also hope that I will be a member of this clan for a long time.
~Subscript of UED_Lady_D3ath's Profile
Clan UED is strong and will remain strong forever, I have always had a great time in this clan. The rules of the clan are simple and clear, the members show respect to each other, and when things go wrong, Duran or Sorceress know how to fix them. That is my thought about the clan.
~ By UED_Disturbed
I believe that the clan is great; all the members treat each other with respect. Everyday the clan progresses with new things weather it’s on the web site, or about the clan itself. All I know is that UED_Duran has done an excellent job being the leader of this clan.
~ By UED_Drakkar_32

I've been in this clan for so long I can't remember. (Around a year I'm sure, well i think) And out of all the other gaming clans I've joined. This one was by far the best. My first impression while joining this clan was that this would be just another gaming clan, but I've grown close to what I call my Clan Members. I not only talk to some about starcraft but about my personal life as well. I would just like to thank UED and its Senators for making a haven in B.net where I can just chill and talk and have fun. THIS IS A GREAT CLAN FILLED WITH GREAT MEMBERS AND LEADERS A MUST JOIN! WOW, Great Clan, a must "join". 2 thumbs up!
-Rolling Stones Goodbye IA, K9, OD...
Hello UED - New York Post
What can I say? I'm speechless.....5/5 Stars -TV Guide
~ By UED_2xpart

I have been in Clan UED for almost a year now, my year anniversary will be February this month, as will be my birthday. I must say this is the longest I have stayed in one clan, simply because every other clan I have joined has died. I personally think UED is a great teacher as awkward as it sounds but this clan has humbled me and taught me there are so many different people one can meet. It has taught me that everyone is different, that I am not always right, that I should respect them as I would want to be. I hope UED will be my last clan, I hope UED stays forever and continually be lead by true leaders. In my 1 year of membership, I have talked to UED_Duran only a handful of times, I truly got to know him this month as a matter of fact and I envy him for his gratitude and patience, if only everyone were like him I believe Battle.net would be a far better place today. I feel as if I'm rambling now (lol) so I will end with this, UED has been one of the greatest experiences in my LIFE and I believe I have even more things to learn from it. It's people are gracious, charming, intuitive, and although the past month has been a little shaky for me, I will learn from it and work things out the best I can.

Hard to believe UED was constracted by a young leader he was maybe 13 or under at that time. During these 7 years the clan has seen its dark days and its bright days. The clan has fought fierce to keep its name and pride alive and to show battle.net that this clan has strong fortified walls that it is impossible to destroy. You can expect that this clan will never fall,when you join UED you can expect you'll be welcomed to a strong dedicated clan.Clans can have all the members they want but what most clans don't have no matter how many members they has is dedicated members and that is what UED has Loyal and Dedication and they are proud to be a member of the United Earth Directorate
An Army of One


More Testimonials coming soon!

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