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UED_Helios a.k.a UED_Korhal a.k.a UED_Soldier (Sons_of_Korhal)
Helios has earned the Heroes title and the Villian title because of his bumpy past with the clan. Korhal once backstabbed the clan that would forever be imbedded in the clan history as one of the worst times the clan had. Even though Korhal's backstabbing failed in the later time, it also proved loyalty of many other members such as UED_Angel. Later on a year later Helios was forgiven for his mistakes and returned to the clan to serve his sentence. However, recently Helios quit the clan and shamed himself through childish trash talking and violent actions against the clan.
UED.Force1 was never a member of the clan, however once was considered an elite friend of the clan. Because of a childish mishap Force vowed his worthless time to bring down the great structure of UED. Even though he has spent many years working against the clan and trying to ruin its future, he has failed every time. He'll forever more be accepted to the Hall of Shame for his worthless struggles and waste of days. months. and years to ruin what cannot be stopped!
UED_NuGuns this person has had a very small part in the clan, however once reached the Senator Elections and was ticked of when he didn't get elected which later on he uncovered that his intentions where to corrupt the UED for it's Democratic beliefs. Later on UED_Duran found out that NuGuns acted as a terrorist against UED that very much represented back then American ideals. UED_NuGuns claimed his reasons to be of Arabic region because he was so strongly against Democracy he wanted to expose the flaws in the clan's government. UED_NuGuns failed to do so and only hurt the clan by a minor scratch. Al though he earned himself the shameful position in the Hall of Shame.
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